Proceder 2019
Nasze filmy > Proceder
Nasze filmy > Proceder
“Proceder” is the title of the debut album (2009) of the Warsaw rapper Tomasz Chada, who died under mysterious circumstances in March this year. It is also the title of a film based on threads from the biography of this extremely popular musician on the hip-hop scene. The first, enthusiastic reactions from fans indicate that“Proceder” promises to be one of the most important films of next year.
Movie sponsor: Eko Energetyka i Ciepłownictwo Sp. z o.o.
Co-financing: Mówi Serwis
Check out the full trailer for "PROCEDER" - the hottest cinema premiere of this fall! Check out the full trailer for "PROCEDER" - the hottest cinema premiere of this fall! The true story of rapper Tomasz Chada, who died in unexplained circumstances, will compete for the Golden Lions at this year's Polish Film Festival in Gdynia.
Check out the full trailer for "PROCEDER" - the hottest cinema premiere of this fall! Check out the full trailer for "PROCEDER" - the hottest cinema premiere of this fall! The true story of rapper Tomasz Chada, who died in unexplained circumstances, will compete for the Golden Lions at this year's Polish Film Festival in Gdynia.
Check out the full trailer for "PROCEDER" - the hottest cinema premiere of this fall! Check out the full trailer for "PROCEDER" - the hottest cinema premiere of this fall! The true story of rapper Tomasz Chada, who died in unexplained circumstances, will compete for the Golden Lions at this year's Polish Film Festival in Gdynia.