Proceder na Netflix

aktualnosci „Proceder” on Netflix starting on 18th of March

O nas > Aktualności > „Proceder” on Netflix starting on 18th of March

We are happy to announce that on the 18th of March „Proceder” will debut on Netflix. This means that in these difficult times surrounding the pandemic, people will be able to enjoy, at least for a moment, the entertainment that the film by Węgrzyn Brothers guarantees.

This means that in these difficult times surrounding the pandemic, people will be able to enjoy, at least for a moment, the entertainment that the film by Węgrzyn Brothers guarantees. We are proud that so many Netflix users who did not have a chance to see the film in cinemas will be able to experience Tomasz Chada’s remarkable story. We invite everyone to watch „Proceder”!

Enjoy the show!